Thursday, November 29, 2012

Wednesday Blog

On Wednesday we had a fun class while continuing the movie we started about The People’s Republic of China.  Some of us learned a little bit more about China and the US and its relationship.  For the first part of class we talked about China and Mr. Schick answered questions that some of us had.  After we finished the talking we started watching the movie again and paused about every 2-3 minutes to talk about what just happened.  Sadly since we would talk for so long we didn't get very far in the movie.  So far I like the movie but I wish we could see more of it during class.  Thanks for the movie I think we all can learn a lot from this and my views of the economy will change once we finish it. 

Monday, November 26, 2012

World Leaders

Description: C:\Users\luftpat16\Documents\HG 60 point paper.jpg
Enrique Peña Nieto
President of Mexico   
Government: Constitution, Federal republic, Presidential system, Constitutional republic

Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud
King and Prime Minister of Saudi Arabia
Government: Unitary state, Islamic State, Absolute monarchy

Description: C:\Users\luftpat16\Documents\HG 60 point paper Angela.jpg
Angela Merkel
Chancellor of Germany
Government: Democracy, Parliamentary republic, Federal republic

Prime Minister Bejamin Netanyahu and President Shimon Peres 
Are the Leaders of Israel
Government: Liberal democracy, Parliamentary system

Hu Jintao
President of the People's Republic of China
Government: Single-party state, Communist state, Socialist state

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
President of Iran
Government: Islamic republic, Unitary state, Theocracy
Description: C:\Users\luftpat16\Documents\HG 60 point paper Hamid.jpg
Hamad Karzai
President of Afghanistan
Government: Presidential system, Islamic republic
François Hollande
President of France  
Government: Semi-presidential system, Unitary state, Constitutional republic

Pranab Mukherjee
President of India  
Government: Parliamentary system, Democracy, Republic, Constitutional republic, Federal republic

Description: C:\Users\luftpat16\Documents\HG 60 point paper Hugo.jpg
Hugo Chavez
President of Venezuela
Government: Federal republic, Presidential system, Constitutional republic, Republic

David Cameron
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Government: Hereditary monarchy, Constitutional monarchy, Parliamentary system, Unitary state

Queen Elizabeth II of England 
Queen of England
Figure head of England

Description: C:\Users\luftpat16\Documents\HG 60 point paper Dilma.jpg
Dilma Rousseff
President of Brazil    
Government: Presidential system, Constitutional republic, Federal republic


Barack Obama
President of the United States
Government: Constitution, Democracy, Federal republic, Presidential system, Republic, Constitutional republic

Thursday, November 15, 2012


Today in class we discussed what was happening in Texas and how some people in the state want to secede from the US.  After this I then told some facts about the state and how the government would have to take so many different things out of it.  Then Mr. Schick told us more facts about how if they secede then they would have to create their own military and have more problems if they did secede then if they stayed in the union.  After this we learned about the project we needed to do over the weekend.  The funniest part of going over what we had to do for the project was when Matt asked if we had to spell words right.  By the time he was done we all were laughing and I told him “you have Microsoft Word on your computer.”  Can’t wait for next class see you soon Mr. Schick.