Thursday, August 30, 2012

No sleep

The day after no sleep was today and I woke up at six o’clock having to hear that awful sound trying to make it stop.  After getting ready for the day I found myself sitting in the chorus room singing and getting for the back to school mass on next Friday.  After having English with Mr. Attanasio and writing like I’m doing now I moved onto advisory with Mr. Russell and failed by going to my 2nd mod class with Mr. Perry.  This made me feel embarrassed but luckily I still made it on time to class.  During band today we marched under the blazing sun and since there is only two saxophones Will Smith and I we didn’t know what to do when there were two new saxophones in the band.  Finally a free mod time to eat lunch.  Then came the two best classes religion and German then it was off to another free mod for relaxation.  When I got home and didn’t do anything until five when I did my homework and I went out side.  Hopefully your day didn’t go like mine good night.

The forgotten schedule

My first day of my new schedule and I didn’t even remember it.  After waiting in the office for 15 minutes I finally got it.  Later that day I started my classes with two new teachers.  At first I thought my new teachers were going to be bad but it ended up to just fine.  First came English which ended up to be just fine and that I was ahead from my teacher from before.  During my human geography class I found that a friend was there.  I learned that my day was going to go from a not so great day to worse when it took the new kids in Mr. Schick’s class (our Human geography class)  to get our technology working.  After coming home from that day I found myself to sleep for three hours before I started my homework.  This ended up to be a bad choice because I didn’t go to sleep until one am.