Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Today in class we looked over what question we wanted on the test and what he was going to put on it.  Our class contributed about 12 questions which half of them were the most complex and confusing.  I chose not to write down the question because I like to be surprised and I listen along in class so I can just remember what we were talking about and get them right.  Out of all the questions we had I liked my two the best.  The first one was “How many people practice the five religions we talked about in class?” and the answer was 5.2 billion.  Then my next question was “Out of all the 5.2 billion people plus the 1 billion atheists in the world what does the remaining 800 million practice? Give four religions that fall under here.”  Four possible religions could be “Witch Craft, Confucianism, Jainism and Shinto.”  There are a total of 40 religious faith groups in the world.  Here is a link that you go can see what the world religions are http://www.religioustolerance.org/var_rel.htm.  This website will tell you more than Mr. Schick could no offence Mr. Schick.  While this was going on we were really wild and laughed a lot.  At one point Doria couldn’t stop laughing and started laughing so hard she cried.  Good night Mr. Schick and don’t get to mad about the comment I mad above.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Tuesday the 16th of October

Sorry that I didn’t post on Tuesday I was going to but too much came up and then I forgot to do it the other days but I’ll tell you my story for Tuesday so you know why I didn’t make it.  Tuesday started out as normal day as usual doing all the things I would do and then going to set crew after school.  After the fun painting and moving of set crew I had some time to get my stuff together.  After 10 to15 minutes of waiting I met up with my mom to talk and see what I could do to help with the freshman dinner.  After the dinner of fun and dancing I stayed and helped clean up stacking the chairs one or so feet above my head.  Finally I got home at 8:45 PM and started trying to get some homework done but I ended falling asleep sadly not being able to do this blog.  Well that’s it for now I know I was supposed to tell about class but I don’t remember which won’t be good when the test comes around.

Monday, October 15, 2012


Today in class we went over the fact about the religions and it was surprising how many questions you can have from two types of religions.  A lot of them had to do with Jesus and how and what his life was like while here.  One fact that I did learn today was that religions can be a unifying or non-unifying force.  We also learned that there have been many wars between ethnic groups that have been forced to be one country.  For example the Hutus and Tutsis were and have been at war for a long time.  If they were two different countries then this wouldn’t happen.  On the other hand America is a tossed salad that has many ethnic backgrounds so we are used to different people and aren’t discriminate towards others.  

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The forgotten Note Book

So today we took notes on the cultures of the different countries and found what many terms meant.  Sadly I don’t remember most of what happened today because of two reasons.  The first reason was I forgot my note book at school with all the notes in it.  And the second reason was I was put on laughing gas to do some dental work and now I have a major headache.  I really don’t know what else to say about it but that I don’t have stuff to write this blog. Well that’s all I can think of to write of right now and maybe I can find some more things tomorrow to put in my blog.  Good night and have a great day tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Presentations on the Beging of the Americas

Today in class we went over our presentations about who discovered the Americas.  While looking over it we found that we need to proof read a lot better.   For example I left the wrong word in the presentation that we turned in.  The word was supposed to be sun but instead it was spelled son.  Our group did Native Americans and I think that our presentation was the best by layout besides our grammatical errors.  The Native Americans were the first culture to arrive in the Americas out of everyone.  They came over the land between Asia and Present day Alaska and they spread out over the land to form new cultures.  After our group went which was the best then came the Viking group.  They told us that they were the next group to stumble onto America and look around.  After that group then came the invaders Columbus.  When Columbus came to the Americas he soon took over and made the land the way it is today.

Monday, October 8, 2012

The next Presentation

Today we went over our test today and found that some of us can’t spell anything (Matt).  It was funny because some of us spelled some of the easiest words wrong.  Another part of the test that was bad was how many people got bad grades on it.  Out of the 20 students in the class seven got A’s and four failed it.  The other 9 got between B’s and D’s.  After going over the test we started on making a presentation for who founded America first.  We now are putting it together and showing who founded the Americas.  Our group decided to go with the Native Americans because we knew most about them.    We also know that they were the first people to inhabit the lands so they should be recognized with it.  The Native Americans started coming over 15,000 to 17,000 years ago before any European.  While spreading across the Americas they lived and respected the land.  Unlike the European who took and stole the livestock and land they treated it as their mother and father.  I could keep going but I have to turn this in and study for my math test tomorrow so have a good night and thanks for the fun class Mr. Schick.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Test 2

On Friday we took a test on the movie “God Grew Tired of Us” and I thought some of it was easy but other parts I couldn’t remember.  There were two bad parts to the test though.  One of them was that spelling counted and I am terrible at spelling which is why I love “Microsoft Word” because it tells me if I’m doing something wrong.  The other part I like but hated at the same time was that he let us use our blogs on the test.  But of course I never write down the notes we took in class on the blog so I couldn’t even use it.  This meant that I had to know everything which for the most part I did.  What was actually funny about the test though was during it a kid asked “Mr. Schick do we have to spell out UN” and Mr. Schick was angry because he just gave away an answer to a question.  Well that was the test and it probably could have gone better if I did what I was supposed to do.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Political Wednesday

Today we continued to talk about the fundraising project for The Lost Boys and how we could help.  After talking about this for a little we learned that the other class did the same thing that we did and found more websites for us to use.  While Mr. Schick was trying to tell us something today the kids were doing the same thing as yesterday and fooling around on the open paper and got really annoying trying to find something and seeing all this stupid stuff.   Now I want to talk about something not related to the project but the politics of the US is the presidential debate.  I am happy to say that I am here today to hear this speech understand what is going on I would love to hear the things that you think about the debate.  If you could leave a comment and tell me what you think of the election and debate and then we can talk about it.  Good Night.  

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The Very Weird Words

Today in class we started off with finishing the discussions on the movie and started finding foundations for the lost boys.  While doing the easy activity in groups Mr. Schick wanted us to get all on an open document to share what we found.  Sadly some of the kids wanted to be immature about and started to do weird things while Mr. Schick was trying to explain it.  Then after he did the other kids wanted to write weird things like “Mason likes to eat small puppies” while trying to erase this everyone else decided to erase it at the same time.  This made it lag and erase much more then we meant to.  Finally we thought it was over and right when Mr. Schick was about to look at it someone erased it all and he got mad at what had happened and told us that he would give us one more chance.  We took the last chance and made the improvements needed to make the assignment work.  I learned many things from this experiment one of them is that you can’t trust 10 or so immature 9th graders to complete and handle an open document assignment.   Well that was it for today in class and I will try to add a the document link to see if you want to donate to one of the Foundations or Organizations we are trying to give money for the Lost Boys.