Monday, October 8, 2012

The next Presentation

Today we went over our test today and found that some of us can’t spell anything (Matt).  It was funny because some of us spelled some of the easiest words wrong.  Another part of the test that was bad was how many people got bad grades on it.  Out of the 20 students in the class seven got A’s and four failed it.  The other 9 got between B’s and D’s.  After going over the test we started on making a presentation for who founded America first.  We now are putting it together and showing who founded the Americas.  Our group decided to go with the Native Americans because we knew most about them.    We also know that they were the first people to inhabit the lands so they should be recognized with it.  The Native Americans started coming over 15,000 to 17,000 years ago before any European.  While spreading across the Americas they lived and respected the land.  Unlike the European who took and stole the livestock and land they treated it as their mother and father.  I could keep going but I have to turn this in and study for my math test tomorrow so have a good night and thanks for the fun class Mr. Schick.

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