Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Presentations on the Beging of the Americas

Today in class we went over our presentations about who discovered the Americas.  While looking over it we found that we need to proof read a lot better.   For example I left the wrong word in the presentation that we turned in.  The word was supposed to be sun but instead it was spelled son.  Our group did Native Americans and I think that our presentation was the best by layout besides our grammatical errors.  The Native Americans were the first culture to arrive in the Americas out of everyone.  They came over the land between Asia and Present day Alaska and they spread out over the land to form new cultures.  After our group went which was the best then came the Viking group.  They told us that they were the next group to stumble onto America and look around.  After that group then came the invaders Columbus.  When Columbus came to the Americas he soon took over and made the land the way it is today.

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