Monday, September 3, 2012

The Three Essays

Essay #1:  Give your original definition of arête, and describe how Socrates and the ancient Greeks demonstrated this quality. 
The definition of arête is to be your best and Socrates demonstrated it by looking at the evidence he saw to come up with an answer that the Greek rulers didn’t want to hear.  Later on the Greeks demonstrated it by creating a democratic society to allow all a chance to vote on something important to them.  
Essay #2:  Imagine that Elbert Hubbard and Socrates have time-travelled to the present.  Describe what they would think or say about life in America in the year 2012. 
             I believe that Socrates would be happy that we use his work unlike how it was back then when he was put to death.  He would see the difference from mankind today to his day with science and how people’s culture has changed.  In science he would see that we did explain what was in the sky like what the bright flying objects past earth were commits and what natural disaster are like earth quakes and volcanos.   But Hubbard would see that things have changed a little since back then but people today don’t get recognized the same.  But the people who do the dirty work don’t get recognized by statues only the famous do.    
Essay #3:  Assuming that you think that excellence is a good thing, write out a five-point action plan that describes how you are going to approach your career at the John Carroll School over the next four years. 
My five point action plan or goals for the next four years of my high school career are.  My first goal is to turn in all of my homework on time.  In the past I’ve been known for not turning in all of my homework on time and because of this it has hurt my grade.   My next goal is to study and try my best on all of my tests to make sure I get the best grade I can.  Third is to go out for different activates.  I don’t want to do nothing during the best four years of my life.   This year I want to go out for things like jazz band, academic team, set crew, pep band and start a bowling team for John Carroll.  Fourth is making the right choices.  During high school there are a lot of bad influences including the most popular drugs.  Just about every high school in the county is known for it.  This is including John Carroll and I don’t want to be part of it.  My final goal is to have good friends.  I want friends that are going to support me through school and life.  I don’t want friends who are going to get me into bad situations that I going to have to live with for the rest of my life.   

1 comment:

  1. #1: 22/25. I think you were off to a good start here. Would have loved to see you elaborate on this idea.

    #2: 25/25. Much better. Some depth of thought here.

    #3: 25/25. This is a terrific plan. I get the feeling you and John Carroll are going to get along well!
